The core school day is as follows however there will be variations within the day, dependent on learner need eg breaks / lunches:
Primary Pupils |
09.00 - 10.30 |
10.30 - 10.45 |
10.45 - 12.15 |
12.15 - 1300 |
1300 - 1500 |
Classes |
Morning Break |
Classes |
Lunch |
Classes |
Secondary Pupils |
9.00 9.15 |
9.15 10.10 |
10.10 11.05 |
11.05 11.20 |
11.20 12.15 |
12.15 13.05 |
13.05 13.50 |
13.50 14.40 |
14.40 15.30 |
Reg |
Block1 |
Block2 |
Break |
Block3 |
Block4 |
Lunch |
Block5 |
Block6 |
Within the secondary there is also flexibility to ensure each learner receives the specific aspects of intervention for medical, social and emotional needs bespoke to them.
Models discussed in the secondary department
In order to ensure all learners achieve a bespoke curriculum appropriate to their learning needs the following models are used.
Primary Model (also includes some secondary classes) – children and young people with the same teacher for the majority of the week with other teachers providing NCCT (non class contact time) for the core teacher.
Teacher in Model (secondary) – children and young people with the same teacher for the majority of the week with other specialist teachers coming to the core classroom to deliver their subject. This may include art, science, technical etc